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Dubin Interviewed on KFI Tim Conway Show to Discuss Rose Hills Funeral Home Lawsuit & Robert Blake Settlement

Categories: Company News | Dubin In The Media | Local News | News | News & Resources | Orange County Personal Injury Lawyer | Videos


Orange County personal injury attorney, Eric Dubin, interviewed on KFI Tim Conway Show to discuss Rose Hills Funeral Home Lawsuit. Orange County attorney, Eric Dubin, discusses Robert Blake Wrongful Death/Personal Injury case and settlement quickly before discussing new case against Rose Hills Funeral Home. “Rose Hills did what I consider the biggest screw up in history.” “In a nut shell, they lost track of my client’s mothers body and she wound up in the wrong casket, in the wrong clothes at an open casket funeral for the wrong family, who mourned and grieved her and buried her against her religious beliefs, under ground, for 3 days, until they realized that they had the wrong Mrs. Rodriguez under ground.” REAM MORE: … Continue reading