A Professional Corporation

"One of the Top 20 Lawyers in California."
- Los Angeles Daily Journal

"Practically unbeatable courtroom strategies"
- Huffington Post

"Eric is 100% on point."
- Star Jones, ABC

$30 Million Jury Verdict:
Robert Blake Case

"One of Orange County's best civil lawyers."
- OC Weekly

"The true story of celebrity trials, well told."
- Larry King, CNN

Jury Trial: Are Rich Celebrities Treated Differently During Trial? – Huffington Post Article Inspired by Famous US Lawyer Eric Dubin In UK Oscar Pistorius Case

Categories: Dubin In The Media | News | Orange County Personal Injury Lawyer | The Star Chamber (Book)


Wow. I’m honored. My book, The Star Chamber: How Celebrities Go Free and Their Lawyers Become Famous, is going international. Dr Raj Persaud and Helina Hakkanen-Nyholm of the Huffington Post UK recenly published the article, “The Oscar Pistorius Trial: Psychologists Predict How a Jury Would Decide” reporting on a study investigating the influence of celebrity status and its potential interaction with race. “Are Celebrities Charged with Murder Likely to be Acquitted?’ is the title of a unique psychology experiment, inspired by boasts of a famous US lawyer, Eric Dubin, who claimed practically unbeatable court room strategies for representing celebrities, accused of committing serious crimes… …The psychologists who conducted the experiment on celebrities in court, Maria Wong, Michael Murtagh, Alan Goodboy, … Continue reading