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OC Register Reports on Fullerton Slidebar Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit Deposition Video with Lawyers, Eric Dubin & Steven A. Fink

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The Orange County Register recently released an article reporting on the video deposition and conference held for Fullerton wrongful termination case featuring Orange County attorney, Eric Dubin, and Steven A. Fink.

“Lawyers for the SlideBar Rock-n-Roll Kitchen, Eric Dubin and Steven A. Fink, held a news conference Thursday to rebut, with surveillance video evidence, the allegations made by former bouncer Michael Reeves. Reeves said he heard the phone call that complained of transient Kelly Thomas; he alleges that the call was bogus and he lost his job fighting it.”

Full Article on OC Register, “Lawyer for restaurant: Kelly Thomas video disputes civil suit” – CLICK HERE

Reeves’ lawsuit  originally sparked demonstrations in front of the SlideBar back in the summer of 2012, in which protesters claimed that the business was, in part, responsible for Kelly Thomas’ death.

Read the original article…OC Register Video & Report on Kelly Thomas False Police Report Suit featuring Orange County attorney, Eric Dubin. CLICK HERE

Watch The Video Here

“Kelly Thomas lawsuit testimony shows possible discrepancies”

“On October 9, 2012, attorneys for Jeremy Popoff and The Slidebar took the deposition of former employee Mike Reeves. This deposition was taken as part of the multi-million dollar lawsuit Mr. Reeves filed against Mr. Popoff and The Slidebar in June, 2012”

About the author

Orange County Personal Injury Attorney