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Settling Too Soon: A Mistake You Should Avoid

Categories: CA Trial Lawyer | Legal Q & A | Orange County Personal Injury Lawyer | Uncategorized


Settling Personal Injury Cases: Legal Advice from Eric Dubin

Settling a personal injury caseMost cases involving personal injuries in Orange County are settled out of court.  In fact, only about 4-5% of personal injury cases actually go to trial.  Settling a case is often a good choice as you will not have to deal with the time, stress or expense of a court trial.  Unfortunately, however, we see many personal injury victims in Orange County make the mistake of settling too soon or settling their personal injury cases without the help of a personal injury attorney.

From AVVO Legal Q & A Website:

Original Question (excerpt):
“I am being told that if I agree to a payout from their insurance that I can NOT pursue any more civil claims against the hit and run driver, is this true?????? ”  read full question at AVVO

Eric Dubin’s Answer (excerpt):
“DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING!! There is no hurry, find a great lawyer to determine the true value. Once you sign, IT IS DONE! No matter how bad the future, you can never ask for more money.” read Eric’s full answer at AVVO

View more of Eric’s legal advice on AVVO

Ramifications of Settling too Soon

If you choose to settle without consulting an Orange County personal injury lawyer, you may not realize the ramifications of your actions:

  • You would be required to sign a release which gives up all rights to any further claims.  This may not seem like a big deal now, but in major injury cases, you may have further medical expenses down the road that you cannot forsee.
  • You may not realize the true value of your case.  An experienced personal injury attorney can help you to analyze all facets of your case and get you the compensation you deserve.
  • The true culprit at fault may not be held responsible.  In many personal injury lawsuits, there can be many persons responsible.  For instance, if a delivery driver hits you, not only can he be held responsible, but the company he works for may also have to pay restitution.

If you have been approached by an insurance company to settle your Orange County personal injury case, you may want to consider consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney to insure that you will receive the compensation you deserve and the responsible parties are held liable.  Contact Eric Dubin today for help with all of your personal injury needs at 714-381-1275.

About the author

Orange County Personal Injury Attorney